Best Net Worth Tracking App 2024

Why Tracking Your Net Worth Is Key (and How to Do It Like a Pro)

Today, we’re charting a course toward a crucial treasure: understanding your net worth. Think of your net worth as the map guiding you to financial freedom. It’s the total of what you own (assets) minus what you owe (liabilities). It’s like a snapshot of your financial health, painting a clear picture of how far you’ve come and how far you can go.

So, why is tracking your net worth like finding buried pirate gold?

  • It keeps you accountable: By regularly checking your net worth, you stay aware of your financial progress (or lack thereof!). This awareness fuels motivation and drives you to make smarter money decisions.
  • It reveals blind spots: Sometimes, debts can lurk in the shadows, distorting your true financial picture. Tracking your net worth exposes these hidden monsters, allowing you to tackle them head-on.
  • It guides your goals: Whether buying your dream home, retiring early, or simply feeling financially secure, knowing your net worth helps you set realistic goals and chart a path to achieve them.

Of course, tracking your net worth doesn’t have to be a tedious treasure hunt. Forget dusty spreadsheets and cryptic calculations! We’ve evolved beyond the days of hand-scribbling our finances on parchment scrolls (although, kudos to those financial pioneers!).

Today, we have a bounty of tools at our fingertips:

  • Manual spreadsheets: For spreadsheet enthusiasts, there’s always the DIY route. You can create your net worth tracking template, giving you complete control and customization. But be warned, it can be time-consuming and requires manual data entry.
  • Online tools: Websites like Mint or Personal Capital offer free net worth tracking, syncing with your financial accounts for automatic updates. This is a great option for beginners who want convenience without the spreadsheet hassle.
  • Mobile apps: Who doesn’t love a handy app in their pocket? Net worth tracking apps like YNAB or PocketGuard put your financial picture at your fingertips, allowing you to track your progress on the go.

But with so many options, how do you choose the best net worth tracking matey for your journey?

Fear not, intrepid explorers! I’ve scoured the digital seas and unearthed two invaluable resources to help you navigate the choppy waters of selecting the perfect app:

  • Moneywise: This comprehensive guide dives deep into the features and benefits of top net worth tracking apps, breaking down their strengths and weaknesses to help you find the perfect fit.
  • Wealthtender: This website goes beyond simply listing apps, providing insightful analysis on essential features like account aggregation, investment tracking, and goal setting, ensuring you choose an app that aligns with your financial goals.

With these trusty maps at your side, you’re well on your way to choosing the best net worth tracking app for your unique financial path. In the next part of our journey, we’ll delve deeper into these essential features, compare popular apps, and equip you with the knowledge to track your net worth like a seasoned financial captain. Buckle up, mateys, the adventure continues!

Net Worth Tracking App

Features to Consider When Choosing a Net Worth Tracking App

Essential Features for Your Net Worth Tracking App

Remember that buried pirate gold we mentioned? To unearth it, you need the right tools. When it comes to navigating the digital seas of net worth tracking apps, the right features are your compass and sextant. Let’s dive into the key features that will make your financial voyage smooth and successful:

1. Account Aggregation: Your Automatic Captain

Imagine manually entering data from every bank account, investment platform, and retirement fund you have. Ahoy, boredom! Thankfully, account aggregation acts as your loyal first mate, automatically pulling your financial data from multiple sources into one centralized dashboard. This saves you tons of time and minimizes the risk of human error, ensuring your net worth is always ahoy and accurate.

2. Investment Tracking: Charting the Stock Market Seas

Not all treasure is buried. Some sail the high seas of the stock market! If you have investments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, your net worth tracking app needs to be a seasoned navigator. Choose an app that can track the performance of your investment portfolio in real-time, providing insights into diversification, asset allocation, and potential gains or losses. Look for features like automatic updates, performance charts, and portfolio analysis tools to keep your investments shipshape.

3. Debt Management: Taming the Kraken of Debt

Debt, like a fearsome Kraken, can lurk beneath the financial waves, threatening to capsize your progress. Choose an app that helps you tackle your debt head-on with features like debt tracking, payment reminders, and debt payoff calculators. Visualize your progress as you slay those loan dragons, and celebrate each milestone as you inch closer to financial freedom.

4. Budgeting Tools: Your Map to Treasure Island

Even the best net worth tracking app is meaningless without a roadmap. Budgeting tools help you set spending limits, track expenses, and stay on course for your financial goals. Look for apps that offer flexible budgeting methods, allow for multiple income streams and expense categories, and connect seamlessly with your net worth tracking data. Remember, a well-defined budget is your compass, guiding you toward your financial treasure island.

5. Goal Setting: Raising the Jolly Roger of Success

What’s the point of a treasure map if you don’t know where X marks the spot? Goal setting gives your financial journey a clear destination. Choose an app that lets you set specific and measurable goals, track your progress over time, and celebrate your achievements. Whether it’s saving for a down payment, paying off student loans, or retiring early, having a clear target keeps you motivated and focused on your ultimate financial treasure.

6. Reporting and Insights: Your Financial Crystal Ball

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your finances. Look for an app that generates detailed reports and insights into your spending habits, net worth trends, and investment performance. These reports act like your financial crystal ball, revealing areas for improvement and highlighting opportunities to optimize your wealth-building strategies.

7. Security: Guarding Your Financial Treasure Trove

Data breaches are the pirates of the digital age, waiting to plunder your financial information. Choose an app that takes data security seriously. Look for strong encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and a proven track record of protecting user data. Your financial information is your most valuable treasure, so ensure it’s guarded by the most secure fortress.

8. Ease of Use: A Smooth Sailing Interface

No one wants a clunky, confusing app slowing down their financial journey. Choose an app with a user-friendly interface that’s intuitive and easy to navigate. Look for clear visuals, a logical layout, and a mobile app for on-the-go tracking. Remember, your net worth app should be your trusty companion, not a frustrating foe.

These are just the eight essential features to consider when choosing your net worth tracking app. Remember, the perfect app is the one that aligns with your unique financial needs and goals. Research thoroughly, compare features, and don’t be afraid to take advantage of free trials to find the app that truly puts you at the helm of your financial journey.

Top Net Worth Tracking Apps in the Spotlight

In this section, we’ll set sail among the seven seas of popular net worth tracking apps, examining their strengths and weaknesses to help you find the perfect treasure map for your financial journey.

1. Wealthtender’s Seven Scallywags:

Let’s start by hoisting the sails and examining the seven apps recommended by Wealthtender:

AppAccount AggregationInvestment TrackingDebt ManagementBudgeting ToolsGoal SettingReporting & InsightsSecurityEase of UseMobile AppPrice
PocketSmithIntuitiveFree & Premium
Empower✓ (Limited)Clean InterfaceFree & Premium
Personal CapitalUser-friendlyFree & Premium
MintLimitedSimple NavigationFree
YNABManual EntryRobustStrong EncryptionLearning CurveFree Trial & Subscription
Tiller MoneyCSV UploadFlexibleMulti-Factor AuthenticationSpreadsheet-basedFree Trial & Subscription

2. Beyond the Seven Seas: Exploring Additional Options:

Don’t let the seven apps limit your horizons! Here are some additional popular choices to consider:

  • Qube: Focuses on zero-based budgeting and goal-oriented savings.
  • Simplifi: Boasts an intuitive interface and personalized insights.
  • MoneyWell: Offers powerful budgeting and forecasting tools.

3. Weighing Anchor with Net Worth Calculators:

While calculators lack the dynamic features of apps, they can be a helpful starting point. The eight calculators from Robberger offer varying functionality:

  • Net Worthify: Comprehensive and customizable.
  • Net Worth Calculator USA: Simple and straightforward.
  • Debt Snowball Calculator: Focuses on debt payoff strategies.
  • Retirement Calculator: Estimates future retirement income needs.

Remember, calculators lack ongoing tracking and automation. They’re like treasure maps that point you in the right direction, but you need a sturdy ship and skilled navigation to reach your financial goals.

4. Choosing Your Perfect Port:

The “best” net worth tracking app depends on your unique needs and preferences. Consider factors like:

  • Budgeting Style: Do you prefer a zero-based budget or flexible categories?
  • Investment Complexity: Do you need advanced portfolio tracking or basic performance insights?
  • Tech Savvy: Are you comfortable with manual data entry or do you need automation?
  • Budget: Are you willing to pay for premium features or prefer a free app?

5. Charting Your Course:

By understanding the features, comparing popular apps, and considering your individual needs, you can confidently choose the net worth tracking app that will guide you toward your financial El Dorado. Remember, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all treasure hunt! Take your time, explore different options, and find the app that sets your financial compass truly north.

Net Worth Tracking App 2024

Tips for Setting Up Your Net Worth Tracking App

Now that you’ve chosen your perfect net worth tracking app, it’s time to raise the sails and set sail for your financial treasure island. Let’s dive into some handy tips to help you navigate the setup process and make the most of your chosen app:

1. Charting Your Course:

  • Set sail with research: Before diving in, spend some time exploring your app’s features and functionalities. Familiarize yourself with the interface, understand where to find key tools, and discover any hidden gems your app might offer.
  • Choose your port of call: Decide which financial accounts you want to connect to your app. Start with the essentials like bank accounts, investment platforms, and credit cards. Most apps offer automatic account aggregation, saving you precious time and minimizing manual data entry.

2. Batten Down the Hatches:

  • Categorize your booty: Once your accounts are connected, categorize your transactions to gain valuable insights into your spending habits. Most apps offer pre-defined categories but don’t be afraid to create custom ones specific to your needs. This organization will be your anchor, keeping your financial ship sailing smoothly.
  • Interpret the map: Don’t get lost in a sea of data! Take time to analyze your app’s reports and insights. Understand how much you’re earning, where your money is going, and how your net worth is trending. These insights are your compass, guiding you toward informed financial decisions.

3. Raise the Jolly Roger of Goals:

  • Set your sights on treasure: Use your app’s goal-setting features to define your financial aspirations. Whether it’s saving for a vacation, paying off debt, or building an emergency fund, having clear goals will fuel your motivation and keep your eye on the prize.
  • Track your progress: Regularly check your app and monitor your progress towards your goals. Celebrate milestones, big and small, along your financial journey. Remember, every piece of eight saved brings you closer to your treasure island!

4. Fair Winds and Following Seas:

  • Stay the course: Don’t let occasional financial squalls deter you. Use your app to identify areas for improvement and adjust your course as needed. Remember, financial progress is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Seek help if needed: Most net worth tracking apps offer comprehensive support resources and tutorials. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any challenges or have questions.

By following these tips and using your chosen net worth tracking app effectively, you can navigate the financial seas with confidence and clarity. Remember, mastering your net worth is about taking control of your financial destiny, one informed decision at a time. So, set sail, explore, and discover the boundless possibilities of your financial future!


financial voyagers! We’ve reached the end of our journey, but the adventure is just beginning. Tracking your net worth isn’t just about numbers; it’s about charting your course toward financial freedom. It’s about understanding your financial present, setting your sights on your goals, and making informed decisions to navigate the financial seas with confidence.

Remember, a net worth tracking app is your trusty treasure map, offering valuable insights, guiding your financial decisions, and keeping you motivated on your journey. Don’t let another wave of indecision wash over you – choose an app today, set sail toward your financial goals, and watch your treasure trove of wealth grow with each passing tide.


What is the best app to track net worth?

There’s no single “best” app for tracking net worth, as the ideal choice depends on your individual needs and preferences. However, based on your interests and the information you provided, here are some top contenders, considering the features you mentioned:
Empower (formerly Personal Capital): Offers robust account aggregation, investment tracking, debt management, budgeting tools, goal setting, detailed reports and insights, strong security, user-friendly interface, and both free and premium versions.
PocketSmith: Similar features to Empower but with a more flexible budgeting system and a slightly steeper learning curve. Offers free and premium versions.

For investment-heavy portfolios:
Kubera: Tracks a wide range of assets, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, crypto, and even real estate. Strong on investment performance insights and portfolio analysis. Premium only.

For budget-focused users:
YNAB: Uses the Zero-Based Budgeting method, requiring manual data entry but offering excellent control over spending. Robust budgeting tools and goal setting. Free trial and subscription.
Qube: Another Zero-Based Budgeting app with a streamlined interface and personalized insights. Free trial and subscription.

For beginners:
Mint: Simple and free app with basic account aggregation, budgeting tools, and net worth tracking. No investment tracking or debt management features.

Ultimately, the best way to find the perfect app is to try out a few and see which one you like best. Consider factors like:
Features: Which features are most important to you? Do you need investment tracking, debt management, or budgeting tools?
Ease of use: How comfortable are you with technology? Choose an app with a user-friendly interface and clear instructions.
Cost: Some apps are free, while others offer freemium or premium plans. Decide how much you’re willing to spend.
Security: Make sure the app you choose has strong security features to protect your financial data.

How do I keep track of my net worth?

There are several ways to keep track of your net worth, from manual spreadsheets to online tools and dedicated apps. Here are some options to consider, depending on your preferences and comfort level:
Manual Methods:
Spreadsheet: Create a simple spreadsheet with columns for assets (cash, investments, real estate) and liabilities (debt, loans). Update it manually whenever your financial situation changes.
Notebook: This can be a low-tech option if you prefer writing things down. Note down your total assets and liabilities at regular intervals, like monthly or quarterly.

Online Tools:
Net Worth Calculators: These online tools allow you to input your assets and liabilities to calculate your net worth instantly. However, they don’t track your financial data over time.
Personal Finance Websites: Some websites like Mint or Personal Capital offer free net worth tracking tools. These tools connect to your financial accounts and automatically update your net worth.

Net Worth Tracking Apps:
Dedicated apps: These offer the most comprehensive and convenient way to track your net worth. They automatically connect to your financial accounts, provide detailed reports and insights, and often include features like budgeting tools, debt management, and goal setting. Some popular options include YNAB, PocketSmith, Personal Capital, and Qube.

Best net worth tracking app in india

here are some highly-rated options in India, focusing on features and limitations:
Top contenders:
Money View: Offers excellent account aggregation, investment tracking, budgeting tools, and detailed reports. Free with a premium option for additional features.
Groww: Simple and user-friendly interface, that focuses on investment tracking and portfolio analysis. Free.
ET Money: Offers mutual fund recommendations, goal-based investing tools, and basic net worth tracking. Free.
Kuvera: Premium service with robust global asset tracking, advanced portfolio analysis, and expert investment advice. Best for high-net-worth individuals.

free net worth tracker app

When it comes to free net worth tracking apps, there are some excellent options available, each with its own strengths and limitations. Here are some top contenders to consider:
Mint: This popular app offers solid account aggregation, basic budgeting tools, and net worth tracking. It’s user-friendly and completely free, but lacks advanced features like investment tracking or debt management.

Personal Capital: Similar to Mint, Personal Capital provides free net worth tracking and account aggregation. It also boasts strong investment tracking and portfolio analysis, particularly valuable for those with large investment portfolios. However, budgeting tools are more limited compared to Mint.

For budget-focused users:
YNAB: This app utilizes the Zero-Based Budgeting method, requiring manual data entry but offering exceptional control over your spending. It provides robust budgeting tools and goal setting but lacks automatic account aggregation and investment tracking. A free trial is available with a paid subscription model.

PocketGuard: Another budget-centric app, PocketGuard employs a unique “envelope” system to visualize your spending. It connects to most bank accounts and offers basic net worth tracking, but investment tracking and budgeting tools are not as comprehensive as YNAB. The free version is available with limited features, premium version unlocks advanced functionality.

Additional free options:
Walnut: This Indian app focuses on automated expense categorization and provides valuable spending insights. It connects to multiple bank accounts and tracks your net worth, but doesn’t offer extensive budgeting tools or investment tracking.

Groww: Primarily an investment platform, Groww offers free basic net worth tracking and portfolio analysis. However, account aggregation and budgeting features are absent.

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